Each year the Turkey Point Light Station holds a photo contest of pictures of the lighthouse. The year 2022 is shown on this page. Past years can be accessed on the bottom of this page.
Submitted photos are listed below in no specific order.
The winners of the Turkey Point Light Station 2022 Photo Contest are:
Note: There was a tie for Second Place.
1st Place Photo by Lisa Schill
2nd Place Photo by Erica Scholl
2nd Place Photo by Rick Ewing
3rd Place Photo by Alan Emerson
Honorable Mention Photo by John R. Moll
Photos by Rick Ewing - It was early in the morning when I took these photos. The photos with the sunburst are real and not photoshopped. I like to hike in the State Park and carry my camera. I will return to the lighthouse someday and capture images during sunset.
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Ryan Salandria
It was a perfect day to visit as the clouds had rolled away just enough for the sun to come out. This particular photo I told my son I'd give him a head start in a race to the Lighthouse.

This particular photo the wind was blowing the tall grass and had a very peaceful feel to it.

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Photos by Erica J. Scholl - Took the photos during a visit with the family to Turkey Point on 8 June 2022.
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Photos by Iwona Evans - I took my kids for a little hike to celebrate my daughter's birthday.
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Photos by Yilong Li - All images were taken on June 20th 2022 early evening around 7:00pm. I was the only one at the park. I want to use the drone photographs to show the loneliness and empty feeling of this particular landscape. Comparing to the ocean and the trees, the lighthouse is so small but so special. It is like every individual in this world, we might be tiny but we are all special and important to our family, friends. I also want to utilize the images to show how strong the lighthouse is and it has been standing there forever.
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Timothy Emanuele - These photos were taken by me on October 9, 2022. I am working on a lifetime photography project where I visit all the lighthouses I possibly can and take pictures of them to capture their beauty, personality, story and glory. Here are how myself and my lens captured the beauty and glory of Turkey Point Light Station.
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John Moll - . I love the view up the steps. I think of the countless keepers and all the trips up and down to keep the light burning.
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Scott Kelsey - Photos I took during my last hike to the Lighthouse and a poem I wrote.
Turkey Point Light
You light the night,
A beacon of beauty,
Guide me,
Through the rocky times,
Shallows of my mind,
Foggy grey or moonless black,
Ships run to her,
Ships run back,
They look to the Point,
A light in the night,
The ghost of Fannie Salter,
Keeper of Light Shining,
A light in the night. |
Lisa Schill - Each sunrise reminds us of the beauty of a new day. November 5th, 2022
Alan Emerson - This photo was taken by drone on 11/14/22. The sun was casting some beautiful light on the area and really highlighted the last of the fall colors.
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To view the photos for 2021 select: 2021 Pictures
To view the photos for 2020 select: 2020 Pictures
To view the photos for 2017 select: 2017 Pictures
To view the photos for 2016 select: 2016 Pictures
To view the photos for 2015 select: 2015 Pictures
To view the photos for 2014 select: 2014 Pictures
To view the photos for 2013 select: 2013 Pictures